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  • The Rogelberg Method: Unlocking the Power of Effective One-on-One Meetings

The Rogelberg Method: Unlocking the Power of Effective One-on-One Meetings

Recently, I had the privilege of reading "Make the Most of Your One-on-One Meetings" by Steven G. Rogelberg, featured in the November-December 2022 edition of the Harvard Business Review.

The insights shared in this article were so impactful that I've coined it the "Rogelberg Method." This method encompasses a set of valuable tips that can transform your one-on-one meetings into productive, engaging, and relationship-building sessions.

Before the Meetings: Prepare for Success Before diving into your one-on-one meetings, there are crucial steps you can take to ensure their effectiveness.

  1. Communicate the Initiative: Start by clearly communicating the purpose of the meeting or your intention to reboot an existing initiative. Transparency sets the stage for a productive conversation.

  2. Determine Cadence: Not all one-on-one meetings should follow the same Schedule. Consider team member experience, manager tenure, team size, remote or in-person arrangements, and team member preferences. Tailoring the cadence optimizes engagement.

  3. Set a Location: Whether it's a physical office, a virtual space, or a cozy corner in your favourite coffee shop, choose a location that promotes open dialogue and comfort.

  4. Create an Agenda: An organized meeting is a successful meeting. Develop a clear agenda that outlines discussion topics, goals, and any necessary materials. This keeps the conversation on track and ensures you cover essential points.

  1. During the Meetings: Mastering the Art of Engagement When you're in the meeting room (or virtual space), it's time to put the Rogelberg Method into action.

  2. Set the Tone: Begin with a positive and welcoming tone. Show appreciation for your team member's time and contributions. A warm atmosphere encourages openness.

  3. Listen More Than You Talk: Effective communication is a two-way street. Encourage your team member to share their thoughts and concerns. Actively listen to their perspective without interrupting or dominating the conversation.

  • Be Flexible: Sometimes, the best conversations are unplanned. Be flexible in your approach, allowing space for spontaneous discussions and new ideas.

  • End Well: Conclude the meeting on a positive note. Summarize key takeaways, action items, and next steps. Ensure your team member leaves with a clear understanding of what's expected.

Improvement Over Time: A Commitment to Growth The Rogelberg Method isn't static; it's a commitment to continuous improvement.

  1. Ask for Feedback: Actively seek feedback from your team members about the one-on-one meeting experience. Their input can help you refine your approach and make meetings even more valuable.

Incorporating the Rogelberg Method into your one-on-one meetings can lead to stronger relationships, enhanced productivity, and a more engaged team. Remember, effective meetings are not just about the agenda; they're about the connections you build and the progress you make together.

Stay tuned for more insights and strategies as we explore the world of effective leadership and productive teamwork. Your next one-on-one meeting could be the catalyst for positive change! 🚀

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