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  • 📚 Roger's Read of the Week 🌟 In 'Thinking, Fast and Slow' by Daniel Kahneman (Part 2)

📚 Roger's Read of the Week 🌟 In 'Thinking, Fast and Slow' by Daniel Kahneman (Part 2)

📚 Roger's Read of the Week 🌟

In 'Thinking, Fast and Slow' by Daniel Kahneman (Part 2), we delve into the world of mental shortcuts known as heuristics. One of these, the availability bias, shines a light on how easily we rely on information that readily comes to mind. Despite being aware of it for two decades, its profound impact recently caught my attention.

Consider this: Does hearing about a news story frequently make you believe it's common (where do you get your news)? How does this affect our understanding of what truly matters in the world? Do vivid recent experiences outweigh broader realities when making decisions, sometimes leading to suboptimal choices?

Reflect on times when you formed opinions about a group based on stereotypes. How did the availability bias contribute, and how can you cultivate a more balanced perspective in the future?

The availability bias reminds us to tread carefully through the mental shortcuts we take daily. 🤔🌍 #CognitiveBias #DecisionMaking