Do you have a RICH mindset?

The true difference between a rich and poor mindset?

Welcome back to another edition of Success Systems.

In 2007, I had just started my full-time post-grad school job working for a publicly traded company based in Toronto. The first two years of my career were spent in boardrooms, hotels, and airports, travelling to various businesses to support their efforts to become more effective.

Academic Research Opportunity:

Do you have a manager?

If so, you are invited to participate in my study that is focused on how relationships between managers and employees, specifically in 1:1 meetings, influence employee engagement and retention.

Ready to contribute to the research? (5-10 mins max)

You see, I was extremely fortunate to meet and work with dozens upon dozens of successful founders who built their businesses from nothing and got to a point where they partnered with my company to accelerate their growth.

Over the hundreds of conversations I had with these individuals, I learned of the sacrifices, risks, and emotional investments they made to have a chance at growing a successful business.

On paper, every single one of these founders was financially RICH. They sold a good portion of their business and would generally have a healthy annual salary + bonus + equity growth potential.

This is the thing: It wasn’t about being financially rich that made them rich; it was their mindset.

Take a look at this image:

The successful founders exhibited a RICH mindset in everything they did.

Now, you may think that because they were financially rich, adopting this mindset was easier, but the truth is that it was this mindset that allowed them to become financially rich.

What are the core traits of a RICH MINDSET:

  1. Lives in the Present

  2. Learns from Mistakes

  3. Helps others Succeed

  4. Doesn’t Complain

  5. Constantly Learning

  6. Quits Bad Habits

  7. Takes Action

How much does it cost to adopt a RICH mindset?

Ask yourself this, and critically think about your mindset and how it affects your everyday actions and thinking.


Success Systems Community - Invitation

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The invitation will look like this:

There are also LIVE workshops coming up I know you will enjoy.

The next one is on Thursday, with over 150+ already confirmed to attend.