The Reality of Leaders, Managers, and Bosses

Are all managers and bosses bad?

Welcome to The UnThinkable Newsletter - our mission is to equip you with the tools and insights needed to unlock your next big leap, turning seemingly impossible aspirations into achievable milestones.

Roger - Creator of The UnThinkable

Today, we tackle a common narrative: the glorification of leaders and the criticism of managers and bosses. It's essential to recognize that we have both exceptional and poor examples in all roles. Let's explore this complex reality.

Apply: Strategies to Recognize and Foster Great Leadership and Management

Practice: Reflective Exercises to Enhance Leadership and Management

Learn: Insights on Balancing Leadership and Management

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Apply: Strategies to Recognize and Foster Great Leadership and Management

Understand the Differences:

• Leaders often inspire and motivate with vision and charisma.

• Managers are essential for organizing, planning, and ensuring tasks are completed efficiently.

• Bosses oversee and direct operations and strategies.

Each role has its place, and exceptional performance in any of these roles contributes significantly to organizational success.

Foster Great Leadership and Management:

1. Embrace a Holistic View:

o Recognize that leadership qualities can and should be present in managers and bosses.

o Encourage cross-role development where managers can develop leadership skills and leaders can learn managerial efficiency.

2. Promote Continuous Learning:

o Invest in training programs that blend leadership and management skills.

o Encourage a culture of continuous improvement where feedback and development are integral.

3. Lead by Example:

o Demonstrate integrity, empathy, and dedication regardless of your title.

o Showcase how effective leadership and management contribute to achieving organizational goals.

Practice: Reflective Exercises to Enhance Leadership and Management

Weekly Focus:

• Choose one aspect of either leadership or management to enhance each week. For instance, practice active listening to improve empathetic leadership or focus on delegation to refine management efficiency.

Team-Building Activities:

• Organize workshops and team exercises that emphasize both leadership and management skills. Activities like role-playing scenarios can help team members appreciate and develop these complementary skills.

Learn: Insights on Balancing Leadership and Management

The Myth of the Perfect Role:

• It’s a misconception that leaders are always good and managers are always bad. Great leaders and managers share common traits: clear communication, empathy, and the ability to inspire and motivate.

Case Studies:

• Look at successful figures who embody both leadership and management qualities. For example, Satya Nadella, CEO of Microsoft, blends visionary leadership with strategic management, driving innovation while maintaining operational excellence.


Leaders, managers, and bosses each play crucial roles in an organization. By recognizing and fostering excellence across these roles, we can build stronger, more resilient teams. Remember, it's not about the title but the impact and approach that define greatness.

P.S. If you’re enjoying this newsletter, I would be honored if you share it with others. Your referrals make a significant impact. Thank you!

Until next time,

Roger M. Thompson


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