A Novel Way to Coach Your Team

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Roger - Creator of The UnThinkable

In today's fast-paced world, the key to effective leadership often lies in our ability to provide timely and relevant coaching.

Event-Based Coaching, a strategy that focuses on providing guidance and support around specific events or milestones, can significantly enhance leadership effectiveness and team performance.

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Apply: Strategies for Effective Event-Based Coaching

Identify Key Events:

  • Recognize pivotal moments in your team's projects, such as project kick-offs, major deadlines, and post-milestone reviews.

  • Pay attention to individual milestones, such as promotions, role changes, or personal achievements.

  • Tailor Your Approach:

    • Customize your coaching to the specific needs of the event. For example, project kick-offs may require motivational support and strategic planning, while post-milestone reviews might focus on feedback and lessons learned.

    • Use a mix of one-on-one sessions and team meetings to address both individual and collective needs.

  • Provide Timely Feedback:

    • Ensure your coaching aligns with the timing of the event. Immediate feedback can be more impactful and actionable.

    • Use tools like real-time feedback apps or follow-up emails to reinforce your coaching points.

Practice: Reflective Exercises for Event-Based Coaching

Weekly Focus:

  • Choose a significant event from your team's calendar and plan your coaching strategy around it. Reflect on the impact of your guidance post-event.

  • Team-Building Activities:

    • Organize workshops or team exercises that focus on skills relevant to upcoming events. For example, a workshop on effective communication before a major presentation.

  • Questions to Reflect On:

    • What events are most critical to your team’s success, and how can you support them effectively during these times?

    • How can you ensure your coaching is perceived as timely and relevant by your team members?

Learn: Insights on Event-Based Coaching

The Importance of Context:

  • Effective coaching considers the specific context of the event. Understanding the nuances and pressures of the moment can help you provide more relevant and impactful guidance.

  • Case Studies: Review how successful leaders have used event-based coaching to navigate challenges and drive performance. For example, consider how sports coaches adjust their strategies and motivational tactics based on game-time events.

  • Balancing Structure and Flexibility:

    • While it's important to have a structured approach to event-based coaching, flexibility is key. Be prepared to adapt your coaching style based on real-time developments and feedback.

    • Regularly review and adjust your coaching plans to stay aligned with your team's evolving needs and the dynamic nature of events.


Event-Based Coaching is a powerful tool for leaders looking to provide timely and relevant support to their teams. By identifying key events, tailoring your approach, and providing timely feedback, you can significantly enhance your leadership effectiveness and drive team success. Remember, the impact of your coaching is often determined by its relevance to the moment.

P.S. If you’re enjoying this newsletter, I would be honored if you share it with others. Your referrals make a significant impact. Thank you!

Until next time,
Roger M. Thompson


3 Ways I Can Help You:

1) LinkedIn – I post daily on LinkedIn about topics on Leadership and Personal Productivity. Consider giving me a follow if you haven’t already.

2) Success Systems - As mentioned above, I’ve started a FREE community which I am making available to you. Check it out here

3) Workshops – I deliver custom virtual and live workshops for companies. If this is something you are interested in exploring, feel free to book a time with me here to discuss https://calendly.com/roger-m-thompson/success-systems-w-roger-thompson