Having Fun at Work!

Unthinkable - Imagine achieving what once seemed beyond reach.

Happy Sunday,

5 Lessons (for managers) from the Firmest and Friendliest of them all….

1) Find the Fun in Every Task: Remember Mary Poppins' classic "In every job that must be done, there is an element of fun"? Apply this to your daily tasks. Maybe it's gamifying a project or adding a creative twist to meetings. Fun can be a fantastic motivator!

2) Embrace Curiosity and Exploration: Encourage your team to be curious. Foster an environment where exploring new ideas and approaches is not just accepted, but celebrated. This can lead to innovative solutions and a more engaged team.

3) Celebrate Small Wins: Just as Mary celebrated small achievements with the Banks children, do the same with your team. Acknowledging even the smallest successes can boost morale and foster a positive work environment.

4) Teamwork with a Twist: Think of teamwork as a 'jolly holiday' with Mary. Promote collaboration in unique ways - perhaps a joint brainstorming session in a new location, or a team challenge to solve an interesting problem.

5) Positive Vibes Only: Spread positivity. A kind word, a shared joke, or a moment of genuine appreciation can make a day. Remember, a positive team is a productive team.

What Does the Science say? (is the above validated by science? Yes.)

"As a result, the current study suggests that fun at work positively predicts dimensions of job performance and also that positive affect and work engagement demonstrate unique relationships with fun at work and the individual performance outcomes"

Fluegge, E. R. (2008). Who put the fun in functional? Fun at work and its effects on job performance. University of Florida.

Some Recent Posts (In case you missed them)

Roger’s Read Book Review - Soup by Jon Gordon

Title: Soup: A Recipe to Nourish Your Team and Culture

Author: Jon Gordon

Genre: Leadership, Business, Inspirational


"Soup" by Jon Gordon is a business fable that serves up a hearty recipe for creating a positive and vibrant workplace culture. The story revolves around Nancy, the CEO of a struggling company, who is tasked with turning her organization around. In her quest to revitalize the company, Nancy learns valuable lessons from a chef named Chef Pierre.

Chef Pierre teaches Nancy that just as a good soup requires the right ingredients and careful preparation, a successful organization requires a healthy and nurturing culture. The key ingredients in this recipe for success include a shared vision, a sense of belonging, positive leadership, and a focus on serving others. As Nancy applies these principles to her company, she witnesses a transformation that not only improves the bottom line but also fosters a sense of unity and purpose among her team.

Key Takeaways:

The Power of Culture: "Soup" underscores the importance of company culture in achieving success and how a positive culture can drive engagement, productivity, and profitability.

Leadership Matters: The book emphasizes the role of leadership in shaping and sustaining a healthy culture. Positive leadership is essential for inspiring and motivating team members.

Shared Vision: A clear and shared vision is crucial for aligning team members and creating a sense of purpose within the organization.

Service-Oriented Approach: "Soup" encourages a focus on serving others, both within the organization and externally, as a way to build strong relationships and a sense of community.

Belonging and Inclusivity: A culture of inclusivity, where every team member feels valued and connected, is essential for a thriving workplace.


In my opinion, "Soup" is a delightful and insightful book that presents profound leadership and cultural principles in a simple and engaging way. Jon Gordon's use of storytelling makes these concepts accessible and relatable, making it an excellent read for leaders, managers, and anyone interested in improving workplace culture. The book reminds us that a positive and nurturing culture is not only good for business but also essential for creating a fulfilling and harmonious work environment.

Management Skills Course

(Official Name to be announced soon)

As a subscriber, you are entitled to receive front-of-the-line access to my newest course on management skill essentials (over 100 hours+ spent building it with 20+ years of experience). The course will be a unique offering available on demand and is currently valued at $195 USD.

The course will drop in February.

Some of the topics will include:

  1. Effective Communication Skills for Managers: Enhance your ability to communicate clearly and effectively within your team.

  2. Building Trust and Accountability in Remote Teams: Learn key strategies to manage and inspire remote teams successfully.

  3. Innovative Problem-Solving Techniques: Discover creative approaches to tackle complex challenges in the workplace.

  4. Personal Branding for Managers: Develop and refine your personal brand to stand out as a leader in your field.

Keep an eye out for this newsletter in the coming weeks with more details, and your subscriber discount code.

On Thursday, I gifted 20 FREE subscriptions in one of my LinkedIn posts. Follow me on LinkedIn, more offers will be coming.

Thanks for reading.


P.S. If you’re new here, welcome to The unthinkable community!

Testing Accepted Management Ideas:

Ever heard of the 80/20 rule, often referred to as the Pareto Principle? 

The idea is: 80% of the results come from 20% the effort.

I asked myself - is this true? (I once learned this and took it at face value), but not so sure anymore. Take a look at the conversation thread below.