How to get Paid Forever:

Most people don’t do these things consistently, despite their worth.

Before we dive in, I want to share that I am starting a Paid community for mid-career professionals and you can become a Founding Member FREE for life. Details are at the bottom.

In This Week’s Leadership Toolbox:

Apply: Strategies to Stand Out at Work

Practice: Reflect on Your Results and Identify Your Gaps

Learn: One Approach to Build Your Abilities

Welcome to this week's edition of our Leadership Toolbox newsletter.

Adam Danyal, leadership coach to Fortune 100 companies with over 5 million followers on social media wrote about these essential skills to stand out at work and get paid forever. Here’s the thing, when you read the list, you will find them fairly obvious despite the fact that’s it’s rare to have all of these abilities in one person. How will you stack up?

Featured Section:
Download this full size hi res.pdf with all of the 21 abilities on their own individual Poster (see examples below). They make great computer wallpaper pictures if you need some extra motivation.

Apply: Strategies to Stand Out at Work

Take a look at this list one by one.

Think about your abilities in each area

Every single one of these will get you paid forever. The more abilities you have, the more opportunities you can create for yourself.

Count how many you would feel confident saying Yes to.

ð Ability to Sell and Negotiate

ð Ability to Convey What You Think and Feel

ð Ability to Break A Process Down Into Smaller Steps

ð Ability to Shut Up, Listen and Learn from Others

ð Ability to Adapt, Improvise and Overcome Obstacles

ð Ability to Read, Understand and Memorize

ð Ability to Walk Away

ð Ability to Manage Time Effectively

ð Ability to Stay Positive and Optimistic

ð Ability to Make Decisions Based on Facts Not Based on Emotions

ð Ability to Speak in Front of a Large Audience

ð Ability to Keep Trying Even After Failure

ð Ability to Invest Money on Your Own

ð Ability to Do Things Irrespective of the Situation

ð Ability to Self-Analyze

ð Ability to Learn How to Learn

ð Ability to Understand What Others Feel

ð Ability to Remain Consistent

ð Ability to Master Your Thoughts

ð Ability to Write Words to Persuade and Influence Others

ð Ability to Ask for Help

Practice: Reflect on Your Results and Identify Your Gaps

There were 21 abilities, how did you do?

Are there particular abilities that you can work on to improve your opportunities?

These are strategies to enable you to stand out not only at work, but in life, and ensure that you will always be able to get paid.

Learn: One Approach to Build Your Abilities

Now that you understand your gaps, is there something that you want to improve?

Let’s get a little personal now. For those that know me personally, I’ve been a teacher, mentor and coach for a very long time. From time to time, I would be the master of ceremonies of a wedding, be the host of a business conference, and also lead workshops in front of large groups.

When I completed this quiz, one of the abilities that I didn’t confidentially say YES to was “Ability to Speak in Front of a Large Audience”. It was very strange that I stumbled on this one, so I’ve decided to take on the challenge and improve in this area by investing in myself through a keynote speaking coach. Even though I am a coach, it doesn’t mean that I don’t need coaching and constant development too.

There are a lot of things we can spend money on in life, but I chose to invest in something that will increase my abilities - so that I can pay myself for forever.


These abilities can be learned and practiced by us all. Find your gaps, pick something and set out to make it a strength that will help you get paid forever.

P.S. If you’re enjoying this newsletter, I would be honored if you share it with others. Your referrals make a significant impact. Thank you!

Until next time,
Roger M. Thompson


3 Ways I Can Help You:

1) LinkedIn – I post daily on LinkedIn about topics on Leadership and Personal Productivity. Consider giving me a follow if you haven’t already.

2) Become a Founding Member FREE for life– I’m building a Paid community ($97 USD/month) and I’m giving you the opportunity to join for FREE for life as a subscriber before I officially launch it. The community is not really live yet, but you can claim your spot here:

3) Workshops – I deliver custom virtual and live workshops for companies. If this is something you are interested in exploring, feel free to book a time with me here to discuss