Finding the Sweet Spot in Your Career

The Passion/Skill Matrix

Welcome to The UnThinkable Newsletter - our mission is to equip you with the tools and insights needed to unlock your next big leap, turning seemingly impossible aspirations into achievable milestones.

Roger - Creator of The UnThinkable

In our pursuit of professional fulfillment, understanding where our passions align with our skills can be a game-changer. Today, we're diving into the Passion/Skill Matrix, inspired by Todd Churches' "VisuaLeadership," to help you identify your growth zones and find your sweet spot.

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Apply: Leveraging the Passion/Skill Matrix

Growth Zone (Like + Not Good): This is where passion meets opportunity for development. Focus on activities you enjoy but need to improve upon. This zone is ripe for growth and investment.

  • Growth Opportunity: Identify areas where your enthusiasm can be harnessed to build new skills.

  • Development Needed: Seek out training and resources to enhance your abilities.

  • Enthusiasm Present: Leverage your passion to stay motivated during the learning process.

Sweet Spot (Like + Good At): Here lies the ideal alignment of what you love and what you excel at. This is the zone where you should aim to spend most of your time.

  • Ideal Alignment: Find roles and projects that align with both your passion and proficiency.

  • Fulfillment: Enjoy the satisfaction that comes from working in your sweet spot.

  • Potential Success: Achieving goals is more likely when you operate in this zone.

Failure Zone (Don't Like + Not Good): Avoid spending time in areas where you lack both interest and skill. This zone is a clear indication to steer clear.

  • Avoidance: Recognize these areas early to minimize involvement.

  • Lack of Engagement: Understand that neither you nor your organization benefits from your time spent here.

  • Unfulfilling: Activities in this zone do not contribute to personal or professional satisfaction.

Default Zone (Don't Like + Good At): While you may be proficient, a lack of passion can lead to burnout. It's important to explore other areas where you might find greater fulfillment.

  • Competency: Acknowledge your skills but recognize the potential disconnect.

  • Lack of Interest: Use this awareness to seek more engaging opportunities.

  • Potential Disconnect: Find ways to transition from this zone to more fulfilling activities.

Practice: Reflective Exercises Using the Matrix

Weekly Focus: Choose one zone each week and reflect on your current activities. Are they aligned with your passions and skills?

Team-Building Activities: Use the matrix to help team members identify their zones. Organize workshops to develop skills in the growth zone or reassign tasks to better match their sweet spots.

Reflective Questions:

  • Which activities do I enjoy but need to improve on?

  • Where do my current responsibilities fall within the matrix?

  • How can I transition more tasks into my sweet spot?

Learn: Insights on Balancing Passion and Skill

Understanding where your passions and skills align can significantly impact your professional satisfaction and success. Use the Passion/Skill Matrix as a tool to guide your career development and make informed decisions about where to invest your time and energy.


The Passion/Skill Matrix is a powerful framework for aligning your career with your interests and strengths. By understanding and applying this matrix, you can find greater fulfillment and achieve more in your professional life. Remember, it's about finding the right balance and continuously evolving.

Until next time,
Roger M. Thompson


3 Ways I Can Help You:

1) LinkedIn – I post daily on LinkedIn about topics on Leadership and Personal Productivity. Consider giving me a follow if you haven’t already.

2) Success Systems - As mentioned above, I’ve started a FREE community which I am making available to you. Join the Waiting List here

3) Workshops – I deliver custom virtual and live workshops for companies. If this is something you are interested in exploring, feel free to reply to this email so we can book a time.