Defining Meeting Types for Success

Not all meetings are the same.........

Welcome to The UnThinkable Newsletter - our mission is to equip you with the tools and insights needed to unlock your next big leap, turning seemingly impossible aspirations into achievable milestones.

Roger - Creator of The UnThinkable

Today, we delve into an often-overlooked yet crucial aspect of organizational success: the importance of clearly defining meeting types.

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Have you ever been in a meeting that seemed to drag on without any clear purpose? The lack of clarity on the meeting type can lead to confusion, wasted time, and missed opportunities.

Let's explore two common meeting types: Brainstorming and Decision-Making.

Brainstorming Meetings: These meetings are designed to generate ideas and foster creativity. The focus is on open dialogue, free thinking, and collaboration. The goal is to explore a wide range of possibilities without the immediate pressure to decide.

Decision-Making Meetings: In contrast, decision-making meetings are about narrowing down options and making concrete choices. These meetings require a structured agenda, clear criteria for decision-making, and a focus on outcomes.

Here are some other types:

  • Status Update Meetings

  • Problem-Solving Meetings

  • Team-Building Meetings

  • Training and Development Meetings

  • Client or Stakeholder Meetings

  • One-on-One Meetings

Practice: Reflective Exercises to Enhance Meeting Effectiveness

Weekly Focus: This week, choose one of the meeting types to refine. For instance, if you select brainstorming, focus on creating an open environment where all ideas are welcomed and recorded without judgment.

Role-Playing Scenarios: Organize role-playing exercises with your team to simulate both brainstorming and decision-making meetings. This will help everyone understand the different dynamics and the importance of clarity in meeting objectives.

Learn: Insights on Meeting Types

The Importance of Clear Objectives: When the type and objectives of a meeting aren't clear, it can lead to several issues:

  • Confusion: Participants may be unsure of what is expected of them.

  • Inefficiency: The meeting may drift off-topic, leading to wasted time.

  • Frustration: Attendees might feel their time and input are not valued, leading to disengagement.


Consider a team that regularly confuses brainstorming and decision-making meetings. Without clear guidelines, what should be a creative session becomes bogged down with premature decisions, stifling innovation. Conversely, decision-making meetings may become protracted debates, delaying critical actions.

Until next time,
Roger M. Thompson


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2) Success Systems - As mentioned above, I’ve started a FREE community which I am making available to you. Check it out here

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