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Crisis at Work? Try one or all of these approaches instead.

A Deep Dive into EQ Leadership Styles

In This Week’s Leadership Toolbox:

· Apply: Leveraging Emotional Intelligence (EQ) Leadership Styles for Team Success

·  Practice: Reflective Exercises to Identify and Enhance Your Leadership Style

· Learn: Insights from Daniel Goleman’s Model of EQ Leadership

Emotional Intelligence (EQ) has become a cornerstone in effective leadership, with Daniel Goleman’s model providing a comprehensive framework.

This week, we explore the six EQ leadership styles and how they can transform your leadership approach.

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Apply: Leveraging Emotional Intelligence (EQ) Leadership Styles for Team Success

Sarah, a new project manager, faced a crisis: her team was demoralized, deadlines were slipping, and tensions were high. Reflecting on her leadership, Sarah realized she needed to adapt. She recently learned about Daniel Goleman's EQ leadership styles and decided to apply portions of it.

Visionary Leadership:

Sarah called a team meeting and shared a vision for success, aligning the team’s goals with the project’s objectives. “Come with me,” she urged, using self-confidence and empathy to inspire her team.

Coaching Leadership:

Seeing her team's potential, Sarah shifted to coaching, providing personalized feedback and growth opportunities. “Try this,” she suggested, guiding them to realize their potential through empathy and support.

The Ah-Ha Moment:

Sarah’s strategic use of different EQ styles led to a breakthrough. The project was back on track and thriving, demonstrating the transformative power of emotional intelligence.

Check out my full post for details.’ 50,000+ impressions with 70+ reposts and counting

Practice: Reflective Exercises to Identify and Enhance Your Leadership Style

1. Self-Audit: Reflect on your recent leadership experiences. Which style did you naturally gravitate towards? How did it impact your team?

2. Feedback Sessions: Conduct regular feedback sessions focusing on your leadership approach. Encourage honest input from team members.

3.  Development Plans: Create personalized development plans incorporating different EQ styles. Practice switching styles based on situational needs.

Learn: Insights from Daniel Goleman’s Model of EQ Leadership

Understanding and implementing EQ leadership styles can significantly enhance team dynamics and performance. Delve deeper into Goleman’s work through these resources:


This week, as you engage with your team, reflect on how your leadership style aligns with the EQ framework. True leadership is about more than just a title; it’s about understanding and responding to the emotional needs of your team, guiding them towards collective success.

Thanks for reading this far!

If this toolbox has inspired you to lead with greater emotional intelligence, please share it with your network. Every share helps!

Until next time, Roger of The UnThinkable

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