Crafting Your Dream Role:

How to Create an Offer Your Employer Can't Refuse

Take control of your career by designing an irresistible job offer that aligns with your strengths and your company’s goals.

Are you feeling stuck in your current role?

Instead of waiting for the perfect job to appear, why not create it yourself?

By understanding your unique value and aligning it with your organization’s needs, you can craft a role that not only excites you but also adds significant value to your employer.

In 2016, I was burnt out and unsure of my next steps. But by identifying my strengths and reshaping my role, I was able to secure a senior position that allowed me to recharge and continue growing.

The key?

Crafting an offer that my employer couldn’t refuse (combined with some luck)

Start Creating Your Role

Read on for more……..

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A Personal Journey: Creating My Path

In 2016, after nearly five years of leading a $40M business in Toronto, I found myself at a crossroads. I was burnt out, questioning my marketability, and wondering if I was still cut out for the job. As I explored new opportunities, I received an offer to work as President for an amazing company (many people close to me don’t know this part). At the same time, my current employer was contemplating a change.

As the new offer was nearing finalization, I realized it was time to have a candid conversation with the leader who had initially hired me. Although I felt exhausted, I knew I had something valuable to offer. During that conversation, my leader recognized potential in me that I hadn’t fully seen in myself. He offered me a senior role at the corporate head office—one that I could shape and define to fit both the organization’s needs and my own vision.

Despite the burnout, I communicated how I could add value and shaped the role and even the job title. I also asked for something bold: a 100-day leave to recharge. That decision not only secured me the new role but allowed me to create a job that aligned with my strengths and aspirations.

The key takeaway?

You must create your own path, be ready for anything, and understand the value you bring.

Leveraging Your Unique Value

The first step in crafting your ideal role is understanding your unique value proposition. Take stock of your skills, experiences, and passions. What do you bring to the table that others might not? More importantly, how do these strengths align with your organization’s current challenges and opportunities?

In my case, I knew that my leadership experience and deep understanding of the business were assets. But I also recognized that I needed to reframe my role to better align with the company’s evolving needs—and with where I could be most effective.

Crafting the Offer

Once you’ve identified your value, the next step is to create a proposal that clearly defines the new role and how it benefits the organization.

Here’s how:

  • Define the Role: Be specific about what the new role will achieve. What are the key responsibilities? How will success be measured?

  • Align with Organizational Goals: Show how this role will help the company achieve its strategic objectives. The more directly you can link your role to the company’s success, the stronger your proposal will be.

  • Highlight the Benefits: Focus on the unique value you bring and why you’re the right person for this role. Use concrete examples and data to support your case.

  • Create Urgency: Explain why this change needs to happen now. Whether it’s a shifting market or internal dynamics, make it clear that the timing is crucial.

Negotiating and Implementing the Plan

Once your offer is on the table, be prepared to negotiate the details. This might involve discussing resources, support, or even a transition period. The key is to remain flexible while keeping your core objectives in focus.

After your offer is accepted, start strong by delivering immediate results. Be open to feedback and ready to adapt as the role evolves.

Conclusion: Empowering Your Career

Creating your dream job isn’t just about personal fulfillment—it’s about adding value to your organization in a way that only you can. By understanding your strengths, crafting a compelling offer, and aligning it with your company’s goals, you can shape your own career path and create opportunities where none existed before.

Take action today—start envisioning your ideal role and begin the process of crafting your offer. Your career is in your hands.

Until next time,
Roger M. Thompson


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