I bombed the Interview, I should have done this

Mastering the Do's and Don'ts of Interviews

The answer is here; read on.

In This Week’s Leadership Toolbox:

Apply: Best Practices for Effective Interviews

Practice: Reflective Exercises to Enhance Your Interview Skills

Learn: Common Pitfalls to Avoid in Interviews

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Apply: Best Practices for Effective Interviews

Be Clear and Concise:

Imagine you're in the hot seat. Your preparation is your armor. Know the job description and the company’s mission inside out. Answer questions directly and succinctly, avoiding the temptation to ramble. Prepare questions that show your genuine interest in the role and company.

Tailor Your Answers to the Job:

Research is key. Understand the company’s values and align your answers accordingly. Use specific examples from your past experiences that resonate with the job requirements. This not only highlights your skills but also shows you’re well-prepared.

Quantify Your Achievements:

Numbers speak louder than words. Saying you "increased sales by 20%" is more impactful than simply stating you improved sales. Focus on the results of your actions to demonstrate your effectiveness.

Maintain a Professional Tone and Language:

Use industry-specific terminology correctly to show your expertise. Keep your tone professional and respectful throughout the interview to leave a positive impression.

Use Active Voice and Strong Verbs:

Describe your actions using active voice, e.g., "I led the project." This shows confidence in your abilities without sounding arrogant.

Interview Do’s and Don’t’s

Practice: Reflective Exercises to Enhance Your Interview Skills

Weekly Focus:

Choose one best practice to improve this week. For instance, if clarity is a challenge, practice answering common interview questions concisely. Reflect on how this improves your communication.

Learn: Common Pitfalls to Avoid in Interviews

Avoid Cluttered Responses:

Don't waffle. Keep your answers relevant and to the point to maintain clarity and impact.

Don’t Give Generic and Non-Specific Answers:

Customize your responses to highlight your unique skills and experiences. Provide detailed examples related to the job to show your preparedness.

Avoid Vague Responsibilities:

Explain the impact of your roles clearly. Detail what you did and why it mattered.

Avoid Inappropriate Tone:

Maintain professionalism. Avoid slang or overly casual language to keep a professional demeanor.

Avoid Passive Voice and Weak Verbs:

Take ownership of your accomplishments confidently. Use strong verbs that convey action and achievement.


Interviews are your chance to shine and prove you’re the best fit for the role. By following these guidelines, you can present yourself effectively and confidently. Remember, preparation, clarity, and professionalism are your keys to success.

Good luck!