Bad Bosses and What To Do:

Bonus: A Leadership Monologue (~60 second video)

The answer is here, read on.

In This Week’s Leadership Toolbox:

#1 Apply: Strategies to Mitigate the Impact of Bad Bosses

Bonus: A Leadership Monologue (~60 second video)

#2 Practice: Reflective Exercises to Identify and Avoid Poor Leadership Traits

3# Learn: The Harvard Business Review's Insights on Dealing with Difficult Leaders

Leadership casts a long shadow, and when that shadow darkens the morale and productivity of a team, the results can be catastrophic.

This week, we delve into the realm of poor leadership - a subject both ubiquitous and daunting. We've all encountered them, and some may fear becoming one. Let’s navigate these choppy waters together.

#1 Apply: Strategies to Mitigate the Impact of Bad Bosses

Contrast breeds clarity.

As a reflection of the “Good Bosses vs. Bad Bosses” framework, we understand the dire need to actively promote healthier management practices.

1. Promoting Transparency Over Obscurity: A bad boss hoards information like a dragon guards gold. Conversely, good leadership thrives on transparency, keeping team members in the loop, thus promoting trust and security within the team.

 2. Reframing Failure as a Learning Opportunity: While a bad boss may use failure to instigate fear, a constructive leader sees it as a stepping stone to growth. Encourage an environment where missteps are not fatal but formative.

 3. Balancing Authority with Autonomy: Power can be poison in the hands of a bad boss. A good leader, however, balances decisiveness with democracy, empowering team members to contribute and take ownership of their roles.

Bonus - A Leadership Monologue

A Leadership Monologue in 60 seconds.

#2 Practice: Reflective Exercises to Identify and Avoid Poor Leadership Traits

Take a moment to introspect.

Have your actions ever mirrored those of a bad boss?

Utilize the dichotomy presented in the visual aid to perform a self-audit.

Reflective Prompts:

· "When have I last delegated a task with full trust in the outcome?"

· "How often do I seek diverse opinions before making a decision?"

· "What steps have I taken to demonstrate my fallibility and humanity?"

#3 Learn: The Harvard Business Review's Insights on Dealing with Difficult Leaders

A leader's journey is never solitary.

Equip yourself with the knowledge to either improve your leadership or mitigate the influence of a difficult boss.

Harvard Business Review offers a plethora of articles and studies dissecting the complex nature of leadership.

What you'll learn:

1. Identifying traits of difficult bosses and their impact on workplace culture.

2. Techniques to diplomatically address and navigate poor leadership.

3. How to foster resilience and protect your well-being in challenging work environments.


If this toolbox gives you new perspectives on leadership, share it with your network. Together, we can transform the narrative of leadership from a tale of caution to one of inspiration.

Thanks for reading this far!


Until next time,

Founder of The UNTHINKABLE